Chapter 13, The Presidency


AP Government Mind Map on Chapter 13, The Presidency, created by Brett Emery on 24/02/2018.
Brett Emery
Mind Map by Brett Emery, updated more than 1 year ago
Brett Emery
Created by Brett Emery over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 13, The Presidency
  1. The President
    1. The Constitution
      1. Requirements
        1. 35 years old, natural born citizen, resided in the US for a least 14 years
        2. Limitations
          1. 4 year term
            1. 22nd Amendment
              1. Only 2 term limit
                1. 1951
              2. Impeachment
                1. Removing the president from office for "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors"
                  1. House majority vote to impeach
                    1. Senate 2/3 vote to remove from office
                2. 25th Amendment
                  1. If the president is disabled the VP can become acting president
                    1. A recuperated president can retake the job
                    2. 1967
                  2. Watergate
                    1. A scandal wherein the Democratic National Convention HQ was broken into and the White House attempted to cover up
                      1. Lead to the resignation of Richard Nixon under threat of impeachment
                      2. 1972
                        1. What are some scandals that presidents have survived?
                        2. Presidential Powers
                          1. The Constitution
                            1. The Framers
                              1. Commander and chief
                                1. nominate ambassadors, officials, federal judges
                                  1. State of Union
                                    1. recommend legislation
                                      1. veto
                                        1. convene and adjourn congress under extraordinary occations
                                          1. request written opinions of admin officials
                                            1. fill admin vacancies
                                              1. pardon fed. offences
                                              2. "Take care that the laws be faithfully executed"
                                  2. Thomas Jefferson
                                    1. Andrew Jackson
                                      1. Abraham Lincoln
                                        1. Theodore Roosevelt
                                          1. Woodrow Wilson
                                            1. Franklin D. Roosevelt
                                              1. President as manager of economy
                                              2. Presidents as world leaders
                                              3. President must mobilize public behind policy
                                              4. President must mobilize the country for war
                                              5. President as direct representative of the people
                                              6. President as leader of mass political party
                                              7. (Enumerated Powers)
                                            2. Running the Government
                                              1. The Cabinet
                                                1. Not enumerated in the Constitution
                                                  1. A group of presidential advisers had by every president
                                                    1. comprised of 14 secretaries and the attorney general
                                                  2. National Security Council (NSC)
                                                    1. 1947
                                                      1. Links the President with key foreign and military advisers
                                                        1. Formal members: The President, VP, Sec. of State, Sec. of defence
                                                        2. Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)
                                                          1. Three members appointed by the Pres. who advise him on economic policy
                                                            1. Office of Management and Budget
                                                              1. 1921
                                                                1. Comprised of political appointees and skilled professionals, manages and helps budget for the Pres.
                                                                  1. Grew out of the Bureau of the Budget (BOB)
                                                              2. Leadership in Congress
                                                                1. Veto
                                                                  1. Sends a bill approved by both Houses back to Congress with a reason for rejecting it
                                                                    1. Overridden by a 2/3 vote of each house
                                                                    2. Pocket Veto
                                                                      1. Where if Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill the president can not sign or veto it and let it die
                                                                        1. Seems like a pretty obvious "legal loophole"
                                                                          1. Has there ever been an attempt to stop it?
                                                                      2. Presidential Coattails
                                                                        1. Where voters support congressional candidates based off their support for the president
                                                                        2. War Powers Resolution
                                                                          1. 1973
                                                                            1. Requires presidents to consult with congress before military force, and withdraws forces after 60 days unless Congress declares war
                                                                              1. Viewed by many presidents as unconstitutional
                                                                              2. Legislative Veto
                                                                                1. Ability of Congress to override presidential decisions
                                                                                  1. believed by some that if challenged would be ruled violation of separation of powers by Sup. Court
                                                                          2. What powers have Obama and now Trump added to this list?
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