Health and disease


Mind map for first topic of B1- Health and disease
Emily Simms
Mind Map by Emily Simms, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Simms
Created by Emily Simms over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Health and disease
  1. Food groups:
    1. Carbohydrates: Needed for release of energy, found in pasta, bread ect.
      1. Fat: Needed for energy, found in fried food
        1. Protein: Needed to help us grow, found in fish and meat ect.
          1. Vitamins: Needed for healthy cells, found in oranges (vitamin C)
            1. Minerals: Needed for strong bones and healthy cells, found in Milk, dairy and liver
              1. Fibre: Needed for digestive system, found in wheat
                1. Water: Needed for hydration
                  1. A balanced diet means eating all 7 food groups in the correct proportions. It varies for different people.
                    1. Deficiency disease: lacking a certain nutrient, it affects your health.
                    2. Exercise:
                      1. If you exercise a lot you will need a lot of carbs to replace energy.
                        1. Your metabolic rate is the rate at which chemical reactions happen in your cells.
                          1. Depends on: Inherited from parents, proportions of muscle to fat in your body, your gender and the amount of exercise you do.
                        2. Weight and health:
                          1. BMI= Body mass (kg)/ (height)^2 (m)
                            1. Obesity: Excess energy is stored as fat, too much fat causes problems such as diabetes- type 1 _inherited and type 2_if overweight, arthiritus, high blood pressure and heart disease.
                              1. Malnutrition: Taking in less energy than you use, need a lot of energy, lacking in vitamins, minerals and proteins, immune system can't work properly, if female your periods will stop, hair falls out, gain deficiency disease eg. scurvy, extremely thin.
                                1. Main ways to lose weight: Reduce energy intake, increase amount of exercise
                                  1. Eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa- restricts what they eat. Bulimia Nervosa- when they vomit straight after eating. Leads to- weight fluctuations, poor skin, hair loss, irregular periods and tiredness.
                                  2. Cholestrol: LDL=BAD. HDL=GOOD. It is a waxy fatty substance, it clogs up arteries that can lead to a heart attack. If it stops from going to your brain it causes stroke.
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