Haskell - Syntax in Functions


Mapa Capitulo 4
Mind Map by FONTALVO ROMERO EDUARDO JOSÉ , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by FONTALVO ROMERO EDUARDO JOSÉ over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Haskell - Syntax in Functions
  1. Pattern matching
    1. we need to specify the patterns to which some data should conform
      1. We can't use ++ in pattern matches
      2. can define separate function bodies for different patterns
      3. Recursion
        1. We should use catch-all pattern
          1. Unexpected inputs
          2. Always need to match the pattern with the list comprehensions
            1. Is possible modify the default functions
              1. Guards
                1. guards are a way of testing whether some property of a value (or several of them) are true or false
                  1. Guards are indicated by pipes that follow a function's name and its parameters
                    1. Works like an if but they are more readable
                    2. Let
                      1. bindings let you bind to variables anywhere
                        1. Are expressions of themselves
                        2. Case expressions
                          1. Is possible evaluate expressions based on the possible cases of the value of a variable
                            1. Are useful for pattern matching against something in the middle of an expression
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