Food chains and webs


Biology Mind Map on Food chains and webs, created by buttsaggington on 08/06/2013.
Mind Map by buttsaggington, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by buttsaggington over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Food chains and webs
  1. All living things need energy. The producer is a plant, and takes it's energy from the sun
    1. Next is the primary consumer, like a rabbit or a cow (vegetarian)
      1. Then the secondary consumer like a fox, or a human
        1. And finally the tertiary consumer, like a owl or a human (obviously not many food chains have these)
    2. The position of an animal in a food chain is called it's trophic level
      1. A pyramid of numbers is a graph shaped like a pyramid (or sometimes inverted), and it shows the different animals in a food chain
        1. For example, if it is inverted, then it shows that there is only one (huge) producer, and a lot of secondary/tertiary consumers
        2. A pyramid of biomass shows the mass of each producer/consumer
          1. There can also be multiple food chains leading off from one producer
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