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Viral immune response
Mind Map on Viral immune response, created by Hattie Warr on 06/03/2018.
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Mind Map by
Hattie Warr
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Hattie Warr
about 7 years ago
Resource summary
Viral immune response
Viral infection targets epithelial cells
Epithelial cells release cytokines
Interferon alpha
Signals to other cells that there is a viral infection
Prevents the virus from replicating in cells
If the virus resists the cytokines, it enters the tissue
Virus recognised by phagocytes
Macrophage binds to surface of infected cell and engulfs it
Macrophage releases cytokines
Activates mast cells
Mast cells contain granules
Granules contain enzymes and active components that have an effect on endothelial cells lining the blood vessels
Blood vessels become leaky as gap junctions are damaged
Blood and interstitial fluid enters tissue
Neutrophils drawn into area
C Reactive Protein drawn into area
Complement drawn into area
Some resident cells broken down by virus
Particulates of virus in cellular debris and tissue
Dendritic cells pick up viral particles
Taken to local lymph node
Talks to naive T cells
Adaptive immune system
Uses MHC2 protein
Naive T cell activated
Undergoes clonal expansion
All T cells fight off specific infection
Cytotoxic T cell
T helper cell
TH1 mediated response
Intracellular infection
Cell mediated response
Some B cells activated
Memory cells
Plasma cells
Macrophages activated
Release interferon gamma and interleukin 2
Activate CD8 T cells
Activates cytotoxic T cells
Travel to site of infection
Recognise MHC1 protein on virally infected cells
Kills virally infected cells
Death signal
Fas protein on surface of infected cell
Binds to Fas ligand protein on cytotoxic T cell
Signal transduction enters virally infected cell
Activates different proteins and enzymes
Cell undergoes apoptosis
Signals on surface cause it to be engulfed by phagocytes
Virus and infection removed
Normality restored
Release of enzymes
Cytotoxic T cells release perforin
Punches holes in virally infected cell
Granzymes enter cell
Break down DNA and cellular machinery in infected cell
Cell undergoes apoptosis
Activates NK cells
Recognise cells that are missing MHC1
Some viruses stop host cells from using MHC protein flagging system to alert other cells of infection
Kills virally infected cells
Death signal
Release of enzymes
Release interferon gamma
Activates macrophages
Macrophages release interleukin 12
Mast cells degranulate and release granules into surrounding tissue
Infected cell presents small viral particle on MHC1 molecule
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