RE - Catholic Christian Themes - Eschatology


AQA GCSE Religious Studies B Catholic Christianity: Chapter 6 - Eschatology
Marcelo Arenas
Mind Map by Marcelo Arenas, updated more than 1 year ago
Marcelo Arenas
Created by Marcelo Arenas almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

RE - Catholic Christian Themes - Eschatology
  1. The Paschal Candle
    1. Michaelangelo's Last Judgement
      1. Memorials for the dead
        1. tombstones: a large carved stone that is placed (either lying or standing) over a burial site
          1. monument: something that is built to remember an important person or even
            1. cremation: the burning of the bodily remains of a person
              1. remembrance garden: an area designed for the remains of the deceased, where mourners can come and reflect in quiet
              2. Eschatology and Life after Death
                1. eschatology: the study of what will take place at the end of time
                  1. cosmic disasters: frightening events in the universe that will indicate the end of time
                    1. Jesus said that He will come like a thief in the night [1 Thess 5:2] ; meaning He will come very secretly - no one knows when He will come.
                      1. Christians believe that after death, they will be judged by God and either go to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory
                        1. Christ will come again and resurrect the dead
                        2. The Four Last Things
                          1. Death: Christians believe that our earthly bodies will die but spiritual lives will live on. Death is inevitable - a transition to a new phase of our lives - to eternal life without the limitations of the earthly body.
                            1. Judgement: Christians believe that after death, God will judge us for our temporary life on Earth. People accept full responsibility for their actions.
                              1. judgement: the belief that God judges a person based on their actions, and either rewards or punishes them as a result
                              2. Heaven: the state of eternal happiness in the presence of God
                                1. Heaven is the place of total eternal happiness in the presence of God where no forms of sin are present.
                                2. Hell: the state of total separation from God
                                  1. Hell is the place where we are completely separated from God - for people who choose to reject God and harden their hearts to reject God's love and forgiveness.
                                3. Purgatory and Judgement
                                  1. Parable of the Rich man and Lazarus
                                    1. parable: a story with a religious message; particularly used for the stories told by Jesus
                                      1. Hades: the word used for 'hell' in Greek mythology; a place of torment
                                        1. We learn that Hell is a place of torment - "outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth, eternal punishment"
                                          1. We learn that Heaven is a place of happiness, "eternal life, banquet"
                                          2. Cosmic Reconciliation
                                            1. Jesus came to restore harmony
                                              1. the time when all things in creation will be brought together in harmony
                                              2. Church Teachings on the End of Times
                                                1. The Last Rites
                                                  1. The Funeral Rite
                                                    1. Care of dying & Euthanasia
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