Evolutionary Aggression


Psychology (Aggression) Mind Map on Evolutionary Aggression, created by lucysavage176 on 09/06/2013.
Mind Map by lucysavage176, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lucysavage176 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Evolutionary Aggression
  1. infidelity
    1. mate retention strategies
      1. males
        1. direct guarding
          1. prohibiting partners from speeking to other men
          2. snooping through belongings
          3. cuckoldry
            1. invest resources in a child that is not their own
              1. men carry out partner rape to decrease paternity uncirtanty
              2. Buss Shackelford
                1. men give her what she wants
                  1. threaten to beat up other man
                  2. women verbal possetion signals
                    1. threats of leaving
                    2. men who married younger women used more mate retention tactics
                    3. + battered women
                      1. women who were sexually coerced reported being unfaithful
                      2. + risk of infidelity proceded sexual coercion
                        1. practical applications
                          1. intervention before violence
                        2. group display
                          1. sport
                            1. dominance
                              1. attractive to females
                              2. teratory and intimidation
                                1. motivation
                                  1. singing
                                    1. shows strengh
                                  2. - can't beexplained by this differs to wildly
                                  3. warefare
                                    1. dominance
                                      1. target minoroties
                                        1. minamise threats
                                          1. accsess to women
                                            1. i.e. resources
                                          2. secure power base
                                        2. accsess to resources
                                          1. chances of survival
                                          2. deindividuation
                                            1. post hoc
                                              1. based on past events
                                                1. not relevent
                                            2. natural selection
                                              1. sexual selection
                                                1. limited practical application
                                                  1. gender bias
                                                    1. determanistic
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