Charge of the Light Brigade


Mindmap for the Charge of the Light Brigade for the Conflict Poetry Cluster for AQA English Literature GCSE
Ben Gregory
Mind Map by Ben Gregory, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jackson.r08 almost 10 years ago
Ben Gregory
Copied by Ben Gregory almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Charge of the Light Brigade
  1. Content
    1. Describes disastrous battle between British cavalry and Russian forces.
    2. Themes, Attitudes, Ideas
      1. Disgust/ Disbelief
        1. Some one had blunder'd
      2. Language offers balance between the two types
        1. Violent
          1. Describes the situation "the six hundred" faced
            1. "Sabre stroke shatter'd and sunder'd"
              1. Alliteration of "S" Hissing Sibilance signifies evil.
                1. In his case it reflects the viciousness of the attack
          2. Heroic
            1. Celebrates "the six hundred"
              1. L23. Boldly they rode and well
                1. L55. Noble
                  1. L53, 54 Honour
              2. Form
                1. Third person
                  1. Gives feel of a story
                  2. Rhythm
                    1. Strong, regular creates fast pace
                  3. Structure
                    1. Repetition
                      1. L8,38, 49, 54 "The six hundred"
                        1. Reminder of the large number of men at the battle and creates a chaotic image
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