NAT5 Assessment: Expressions and Formulae


Maths Mind Map on NAT5 Assessment: Expressions and Formulae, created by scanterr on 15/09/2014.
Mind Map by scanterr, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scanterr over 10 years ago

Resource summary

NAT5 Assessment: Expressions and Formulae
  1. Surds and Indices
    1. Simplify surds
      1. Simplify fractions with indices
        1. Use scientific notation
        2. Algebraic expressions
          1. Expand brackets
            1. Factorise expressions
              1. Complete the square
              2. Fractions
                1. Simplify algebraic fractions
                  1. Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide with fractions
                  2. Linear functions
                    1. Calculate the gradient between two points
                    2. Volume of 3D shapes
                      1. Sphere
                        1. Cylinder
                          1. Cone
                          2. Circles
                            1. Arc lengths and perimeter
                            2. General problem solving
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