Medieval Crime and Punishment


Mind Map on Medieval Crime and Punishment, created by Alice McConville on 21/03/2018.
Alice McConville
Mind Map by Alice McConville, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice McConville
Created by Alice McConville over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Medieval Crime and Punishment
  1. Crime and Criminals
    1. Petty Crimes
      1. Theft under 12d
        1. Debt
          1. Assult (Minor)
          2. Moral Crimes
            1. Adultery
              1. Not going to church
                1. Blasphemy
                  1. Swearing in the name of god
                2. Changes
                  1. New Crimes
                    1. Vagrancy (after black death)
                      1. Scolding
                      2. Wars of the Roses (1455-1483)
                        1. Civil war
                          1. Powerful nobles have private armies=fights
                          2. Black death (1348)
                            1. Approx half population died
                              1. Society breaks down- theft
                            2. Serious crime/felonies
                              1. Murder/homicide
                                1. Arson
                                  1. Treason
                                    1. Larceny (Theft)
                                      1. Over 12d (approx 3 weeks wages)
                                  2. Punishments
                                    1. Fines
                                      1. Collected fines went to:Sheriff/Lord/King
                                        1. Villages fined for not raising the hue and cry
                                        2. Public humiliation
                                          1. Ducking stool
                                            1. Public confession
                                              1. Stocks/pillary
                                              2. Death
                                                1. Being burned alive
                                                  1. Petty treason
                                                  2. Hung, drawn and quartered
                                                  3. Imprisonment
                                                    1. Rich people could pay to be kept in comfort
                                                      1. Had to pay for food/bedding etc
                                                        1. Used to hold: those awaiting trial, those who refused to plead and people in debt
                                                        2. To avoid trial:
                                                          1. Run-Join outlaw gang
                                                            1. Be pregnant
                                                              1. Claim sanctury
                                                                1. 'abjure the realm'
                                                                2. Become kings approver
                                                                  1. Join kings army (If there is a war on as no standing army)
                                                                    1. Refuse to plead
                                                                      1. Bribe the jury/pay king money
                                                                        1. Claim benefit of the clergy
                                                                          1. Only open to members of clergy but people pretend to be(remember passage)
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