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Body Systems
Med Tech Mind Map on Body Systems, created by the_jake12 on 11/06/2013.
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med tech
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Body Systems
Respiratory - supplies blood with oxygen
Diaphragm - contracts and relaxes to open and close lungs
Lungs - container for air
Contains bronchi, bronchioles, and alvioli
Trachea - passage that leads from mouth/nose to lungs
Circulatory - circulates blood through body
Veins - carry oxygen poor blood back to heart
Arteries - carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart
Capillaries - perform gas exchange between blood and tissue
Heart - pump that circulates blood through the body
Skeletal - provides structure, protection for organs, and stores calcium
Five shapes of bones
Long bones
Short bones
Flat bones
Irregular bones
Sesamoid bones
Nervous - internal communication system using electrical signals
Sensory - signals from outside stmuli
Motor - takes brain info and turns it into muscle movement
Central nervous system - body's main processing unit - brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system - muscles, internal organs, glands
Endocrine - glandular system that releases hormones for important bodily functions
Pituitary gland - in charge of many important hormones, including growth
Thyroid - controls metabolism
Adrenal glands - regulate blood sugar and burning of proteins
Testes - produce testosterone
Ovaries - produce estrogen
Sensory - senses the outer environment
Sight - eyes
Sound - ears
Smell - nose
Taste - tongue
Touch - nerves
Nerves are present on almost every part of the body, and can sense pressure, temperature, and pain
Sensory receptors send signal to brain which interprets the senses
Digestive - breaks down food for nutrients for the body, then excretes the waste
Esophagus - pushes food into stomach
Stomach - sack that food sits in to be broken down by acids
Jaws - physically breaks down food by chewing
Pancreas - secretes bile to break down fats
Small intestine - absorbs nutrients from food
Large intestine - where stool is stored before excretion
Anus - where stool exits the body
Urinary - removes liquid waste from blood
Bladder - sack that stores urine
Kidneys - filter the blood
Urethra - carries urine outside of the body
Ureters - carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Integumentary - protects body from surroundings
Epidermis - top layer of skin, protects and waterproofs
Dermis - second layer, contains nerves and blood vessels
Hypodermis - bottom layer of skin
Lymphatic/immune - removes pathogens from blood, produces white blood cells
Lymph - removes wastes between cells and destroys harmful bacteria and pathogens present in tissue
Lymphatic vessels - transports lymph
Lymph nodes - stores immunity cells and traps pathogens
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