Acute kidney injury


Mind Map on Acute kidney injury, created by fatima alkhateeb on 25/03/2018.
fatima alkhateeb
Mind Map by fatima alkhateeb, updated more than 1 year ago
fatima alkhateeb
Created by fatima alkhateeb over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Acute kidney injury
  1. Autoregulation of the kidney
    1. High blood pressure
      1. High renal flow (high renal artery pressure)
        1. High GFR
          1. High tubular flow (No reabsorption of Na)
            1. High NaCl (High solute load)
              1. Macula densa (Very sensitiive to Na in DCT)
                1. Secretes PRODUCTS
                  1. Afferent arteriole constriction
                    1. Efferent arteriole dilation
        2. Myogenic hypothesis
          1. Stretching of vessels due to increased pressure cause vasoconstriction which keeps the RBF constant.
        3. Presentation
          1. Insomnia
            1. Oliguria
              1. Nausea and vomiting
                1. Hyperventilation
                  1. Shock
                    1. Causes
                      1. Burns
                        1. Infections
                          1. Vomiting
                            1. Spinal injury
                              1. Hemorrhage
                      2. Types
                        1. Septic
                          1. Anaphylactic
                            1. Cardiogenic
                              1. Hypovolemic
                                1. Splenic injury
                                  1. Causes
                                    1. Penetrating trauma
                                      1. Indirect trauma
                                        1. Blunt trauma
                                          1. Infections
                                      2. Management
                                        1. Operation
                                    2. Fluids
                                      1. Blood transfusion
                                    3. Heart transplant
                                      1. Catheter
                                    4. H2 blockers
                                      1. Steroids
                                    5. Antibiotics
                      3. Causes in the picture
                        1. Complications
                          1. Fluid buildup
                            1. Kidney damage
                              1. Chest pain
                                1. Muscle pain
                                  1. Death
                          2. Manage,ment
                            1. Dialysis
                              1. Diuretics
                                1. Life style changes
                                  1. Statins
                                    1. ACE inhibitors
                                      1. Restore Ca and K levels
                                        1. Fluid resustication
                                    2. Healthy diet
                                      1. Exersice
                                2. Cause
                                  1. Acute tubular necrosis
                                    1. Signs and symptoms
                                      1. High BUN
                                        1. Brown granular casts
                                          1. High urine osmolarity
                                      2. Nephrotoxic
                                        1. May be toxin mediated
                                          1. Extensive continous necrosis
                                            1. Intact basement membrane
                                            2. Ischemic
                                              1. Patchy tubular epithelialnecrosis
                                                1. Rupture of the basement membrane
                                                2. Injury and necrosis of tubular epithelial cells
                                              2. Can lead to:
                                                1. Acid-base disturbance
                                                  1. Important Questions to ask!
                                                    1. What is the osis? (Alkalosis or Acidosis)
                                                      1. What is the cause of the osis?
                                                        1. Was there compensation?
                                                    2. What are the functions that can be impaired? (Picture)
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