A452 controlled assessment practical investigation


Mind Map on A452 controlled assessment practical investigation, created by akeen9022 on 17/09/2014.
Mind Map by akeen9022, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by akeen9022 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

A452 controlled assessment practical investigation
  1. App inventor
    1. Must have 'reserve' and 'cancel' buttons
      1. when cancel is clicked number of computer in the building is increased
    2. 45 marks
      1. Phone emulator
        1. must be transferable to someones phone
        2. Make sure you explan all planning.
        3. University map campus
          1. Atleast 10 buildings.
            1. Technical understanding
              1. must have location of computers when clicked on
                1. must store as many computers on one building as possible
              2. Additional features.
                1. Solutions for any problem
                  1. Evidence of plan
                    1. Structures evidence
                      1. must show planning and investigation research
                    2. shows other available computers in other buildings.
                    3. Originality
                      1. practical is done with skill and is done in a safe way
                      2. Third party
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