Example from the
Bible: When Moses was
tending to his father's flock
and suddenly God began
speaking to him through a
burning bush, Moses had
had a numinous
When Catharine Ward
witnessed the birth of her
fist grandchild.
Example from the Bible: When Saul, a tax
collector, was on the road to Damascas he was
blinded by a bright light and God spoke to him
telling him to turn his life around. He was renamed
Paul and many of his letters are now read at Mass.
Robert J Stowe was brought up as an atheist by his father. However
when his father died in 1992 he was left with a great sense of lonliness
and loss. Two years later he found the Catholic Church and found the
spiritual support he had been longing for. He has been a devout
Christian ever since.
Example from the Bible: On the night before
Jesus was to be crucified he spent hours praying
to his father in the Garden of Gethsemane about
the most important and difficult time of his life.
Sophia Amoruso was made redundant
in 204 and spent two years without a
home, relying on soup kitchens and
shelters but she still prayed to God
everyday. Now, 10 years later she is the
CEO of her own multi million dollar
business and thanks God for it all.
Example from the Bible: During his time, Jesus
performed many miracles such as walking on
water or turning water into wine. Perhaps one of
the biggest was the 'Feeding of the 5 000'. At on of
his sermon's Jesus asked how much food they had
to feed the crowd they only had five loaves of
bread and two fish but he managed to share it
equally so everyone had more than they could eat
and 12 baskets were needed to collect all the
Alcides Moreno, fell 47 stories (5000ft) whilst
cleaning the windows of a sky scraper in New
York. His platform was plunged into the
concrete pavement and sadly his brother died
but Alcides miraculousy survived and woke up
from a coma three weeks later.