Passing dark colored urine (Urinary Bladder cancer)


Mind Map on Passing dark colored urine (Urinary Bladder cancer), created by mohammed mansour on 08/04/2018.
mohammed mansour
Mind Map by mohammed mansour, updated more than 1 year ago
mohammed mansour
Created by mohammed mansour almost 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Passing dark colored urine (Urinary Bladder cancer)
  1. Anatomy of urinary bladder
    1. Histology of urinary bladder
      1. Physiology
        1. Discoloration of urine
          1. Types, definition and staging
            1. Benign
              1. Papiloma
                1. Leiomyoma
                2. Malignant
                  1. TCC
                    1. SCC
                      1. Adenocarcinoma
                        1. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
                        2. Small exophytic tumors arising from the bladder’s transitional epithelium projecting into the UB lumen as wart-like papillary outgrowths
                        3. S&S, risk factors
                          1. Causes ---> Schistosomiasis
                            1. Pathogenesis
                              1. Investigations
                                1. Cystoscopy.  Biopsy. (TURBT) Urine cytology.  Imaging tests. X-ray CT urogram (IVP) Retrograde pylogram Urinlysis.
                                2. Management
                                  1. Cystectomy & Diversion
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