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this is about Ancient Mesopotamia and its agriculture, writing, inventions, laws etc
Danica Alistoun
Mind Map by Danica Alistoun, updated more than 1 year ago
Danica Alistoun
Created by Danica Alistoun almost 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. what was mesopotamia?
    1. land between 2 rivers
      1. settled down with agriculture
        1. in the fertile crescent
          1. made by Danica 7H
        2. a civilisation
        3. agriculture development
          1. discovered crops and edible plants
            1. learnt to farm and spread it
          2. changes from agriculture
            1. steady oncoming if food
              1. settling
                1. building
                  1. making laws
                    1. a civilisation
                    2. jobs and status
                  2. religion
                    1. each city had a patron god
                      1. residents found their god most important
                        1. eg: marduk was patron of urduk
                    2. writing
                      1. with stylus
                        1. made of reed
                      2. daily life
                        1. not everyone got an education
                        2. Hammurabi code
                          1. laws
                            1. eg: an eye for an eye
                            2. written on tablet
                            3. inventions
                              1. the wheel
                                1. farming
                                  1. hammer
                                    1. laws
                                      1. irrigation

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