Ahmed is unable to pass urine


Mind Map on Ahmed is unable to pass urine, created by phatema hk on 15/04/2018.
phatema  hk
Mind Map by phatema hk, updated more than 1 year ago
phatema  hk
Created by phatema hk almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Ahmed is unable to pass urine
  1. Anatomy and Histology of the prostate
    1. Lobes of the Prostate
      1. Zones of the Prostate
        1. Blood supply to the prostate
          1. Histology of the prostate
          2. Prostate function
            1. production of seminal fliud
              1. nutrition for the sperm
              2. CAUSES OF URGENCY
                1. Diuretics
                  1. Anxiety
                    1. Prostate enlargement or infection
                      1. Drinking too much liquid
                        1. Urinary tract infections
                          1. Drinking too much liquid
                            1. Bladder cancer
                              1. Vaginal infection
                              2. pathology
                                1. BPH
                                  1. symptoms
                                    1. hesitancy
                                      1. frequency
                                        1. dribbling
                                          1. bladder hypertrophy
                                            1. complete obstruction
                                              1. bladder distension
                                                1. hydronephrosis
                                                2. increase risk of UTI
                                                3. morphology
                                                  1. nodular hyperplasia
                                                    1. slit
                                                    2. treatment
                                                      1. a1-blocker
                                                        1. act on prostatic stromal tissue
                                                          1. Prazosin
                                                            1. Alfuzosin
                                                              1. Terazosin and Doxazosin
                                                              2. act on contractile tissue of prostate and bladder neck
                                                                1. Tamsulosin
                                                                  1. silodosin
                                                                2. PDE- inhibitor
                                                                  1. surgery
                                                                    1. Transurethral resection of the prostate
                                                                      1. Open prostatectomy
                                                                    2. Investigations
                                                                      1. Urine
                                                                        1. Glucose levels
                                                                          1. Blood
                                                                          2. Blood
                                                                            1. U&E and creatinine
                                                                              1. FBC
                                                                                1. LFTs
                                                                                2. PSA
                                                                                  1. Imaging
                                                                                    1. Ultrasound
                                                                                      1. Cystoscopy
                                                                                  2. PROSTATE CANCER
                                                                                    1. prognosis
                                                                                      1. spread to lumbar spine
                                                                                        1. presentation
                                                                                          1. low back pain
                                                                                            1. increase
                                                                                              1. PAP
                                                                                                1. PSA
                                                                                                  1. phosphate
                                                                                            2. treatment
                                                                                              1. prostatectomy
                                                                                                1. continous GnRH
                                                                                                  1. androgen R inhibitor
                                                                                                  2. STAGING & GLEASON SCORE
                                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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