Theories of Jurisprudence


Mind Map on Theories of Jurisprudence, created by joe.-lloyd on 22/09/2014.
Mind Map by joe.-lloyd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joe.-lloyd about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Theories of Jurisprudence
  1. Normative
    1. Natural
      1. Ancient
        1. St. Augustine
          1. Divine Law
          2. Aristotle
            1. Just/Unjust
            2. St. Thomas Aquinas
              1. Divine and just/unjust
            3. Modern
              1. Enlightenment
                1. Spurred Revolutions
                2. Lon Fuller
                  1. Procedural Naturalism (Individual autonomy)
                  2. Rights Revolution
                    1. Race/Gender
                    2. Ronald Dworkin
                      1. Individual Rights (Judges)
                  3. Positive
                    1. Ancient
                      1. Sir Edward Coke
                        1. Sir William Blackstone
                          1. Uniformity
                          2. Sir Henry Maine
                            1. Historical Jurisprudence (Written Law as Highest)
                            2. Roscoe Pound
                              1. Sociological Jurisprudence
                            3. Modern
                              1. Bentham
                                1. Utilitarianism
                                2. Austin
                                  1. Analytical Jurisprudence
                                  2. Hart
                                    1. Progressive Movement
                                      1. Industrial Revolution
                                3. Empirical
                                  1. Legal Realism
                                    1. Law/Economics
                                      1. Critical Legal Studies
                                        1. Femenism
                                          1. Liberal
                                            1. Relational
                                              1. Radical
                                                1. Critical Race
                                                2. Critical Race Theory
                                                  1. Postmodernism
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