Physics 1


GCSE Physics Mind Map on Physics 1, created by leahon on 15/06/2013.
Mind Map by leahon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leahon over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Physics 1
  1. Energy
    1. Heat Transfer
      1. Radiation
        1. No particles are needed
          1. Infra red
            1. E.g. Sun heats Earth
            2. Black dull surfaces emit and absorb better
              1. Shiny silver absorb and emit poorly
              2. Conduction
                1. Good in solids
                  1. As there tight particles, particles vibrate into each other
                  2. Especially good in metals as free electrons
                  3. Convection
                    1. Only in gases and liquids
                      1. As particles move so they collide more, less dense therefore rise
                    2. Flasks
                      1. Vacuum
                        1. No conduction or convection
                        2. Lid
                          1. No convection
                          2. Shiny outside
                            1. Stops radiation
                        3. Evaporation & Condensation
                          1. Evap.
                            1. Average speed= High
                              1. Fast molecules leave
                                1. Average speed= Low
                                  1. E.g. Sweating
                            2. Conden.
                              1. Gas changes to a liquid
                          2. Energy
                            1. Insulation
                              1. Have to say whether stopping condu. convec. or rad.
                                1. Stops Conduction
                                  1. As air is very poor conductor
                                  2. Stops convection
                                    1. As air is trapped
                                    2. U values
                                      1. Low u- value
                                        1. Better Insulation
                                        2. Energy transferred per second per square metre when the temperature difference is 1 degree celsius
                                      2. Heat moves from hotter to colder
                                        1. Specific Heat Capacity
                                          1. Water= 4200 Joules per kg degrees celsius
                                            1. Land= 800 J/Kg ^C
                                              1. Energy= Mass x SHC x Temp. Change
                                              2. Types
                                                1. Kinetic
                                                  1. Elastic Potential
                                                    1. Heat
                                                      1. Electrical
                                                        1. Sound
                                                          1. Light
                                                            1. Nuclear
                                                              1. Chemical
                                                                1. Gravitational
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