Anglo-Saxon Rebellions


History Mind Map on Anglo-Saxon Rebellions, created by ayesha mahmood on 20/04/2018.
ayesha mahmood
Mind Map by ayesha mahmood, updated more than 1 year ago
ayesha mahmood
Created by ayesha mahmood over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Anglo-Saxon Rebellions
  1. submission of the earls 1066
    1. 1.Witan elects Edgar the Aethling as king, supported by Edwin and Morcar
      1. 2. William needs to control the south cost so he sends troops to seize Winchester (the treasury)
        1. 3. On his way to London William destroys home, crops, animals and farm lands to intimidate the English
          1. 4. He takes a roundabout circular route
            1. 5.William was crowned king in Westminster Abbey on Christmas day 1066
    2. The Revolt of Edwin and Morcar (earls) 1068
      1. 1.They both fled William's court and and went to their own lands (midlands and north)
        1. 2.1 Edwin was angry, as William promised he could marry one of his daughters
          1. 2.2 Morcar was angry as it seems that William replaced him as Earl of Northumbria
            1. 2.3 Therefore they realised they didn't have power so they rebelled.
              1. 3. Before they could act William found out and marched North with an army
                1. 4. Along the way William built castles in Warwick, Nottingham and York
                  1. 5.Edwin and Morcar surrendered without any fighting taking place
          2. Edgar Aethling and the rebellion in the north 1069
            1. 1. After being betrayed by Gospatric (during Edwin and Morcar's rebellion), William replaced him with his supporter Robert Cumin
              1. 2. Cumin was not liked by Northumbrians as he destroyed homes and crops etc, so they rebelled (he died in a fire)
                1. 3. Another rebellion took place in York which Edgar took part in along with his army. The rebells planned to seize the castle in York
                  1. 4. When William found out he marched north. His arrival broke the siege on the castle
                    1. 5. The rebels and Edgar fled and William built another castle in York
            2. Sweyn and his Danes and Edgar1069


              • Hejebd
              • The
              1. 1. William faced threats that Edgar would return
                1. 2. He received a threat from Denmark and King Sweyn appeared with an army (and 240 ships)
                  1. 3. Edgar joined the Danes and he took over castles in York
                    1. 4. The attack from the Danes and Edgar resulted in 3000 Normans being killed
                      1. 5. When William came the English rebels fled and and Sweyn and his Danes stayed on this ships
                        1. 6.William celebrated his success and Christmas whilst York was destroyed
                          1. 7.Edgar did not return
              2. Hereward the Wake and rebellion at Ely 1069/70
                1. 1. Hereward was perhaps a thegn who lost power when Willam took control
                  1. 2. In 1070 the Danes retuned and went to Ely and joined forces with Hereward
                    1. 3. Morcar returned with his men and joined.
                      1. 4. The Danes and Hereward raided Peterborough Abbey. The Danes were after money and Hereward wanted to stop Norman control
                        1. 5.1 William offered the Danes money who accepted and left
                          1. 5.2 Morcar was captured and imprisoned whilst Hereward escaped
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