Let A, B be sets. A function f : A → B is a rule
that assigns to every element of A one and only
one element of B i.e. ∀x ∈ A ∃!y ∈ B s.t. f(x) = y.
A = domain
B = codomain
f(A) = range
f(A) = {y ∈ B | ∃x ∈ A s.t.
f(x) = y}.
F : A → {T, F} = Boolean function
assigns truth values to the
elements of A
Γ(f) = graph
Composition of Functions
Inversion of Functions
f(x) = f(y) ⇒ x = y
never maps
distinct domain
elements to
the same
sin x : [0, π 2 ] → R is injective
sin x : R → R is not injective because sin 0 = sin π = 0
∀z ∈ B ∃x ∈ A s.t. f(x) = z
every element
in the
codomain has
an element in
the domain
that maps to it
every element in domain paired with exactly one
element in codomain and vice versa
all bijective functions, and only bijective
functions, have inverses
Proposition: Let A, B be sets and let f : A → B be a function.
Assume A is finite. Then f is injective ⇔ f(A) has the same
number of elements as A.
A if finite so we can write it as A = {a1, a2, ..., ap} for some p.
Then, f(A) = {f(a1), f(a2), ..., f(ap)} ⊆ B.
A priori, some f(ai) might = f(aj).
However, f is injective ⇔ f(ai) != f(aj) whenever i != j
⇔ f(A) has exactly p elements just like A.
Corollary 1
Let A, B be finite sets such that #(A) = #(B). Let f : A → B be a function. f is injective ⇔ f is bijective.
Suppose f : A → B is injective. Since A is finite, by the
previous proposition, f(A) has the same number of
elements as A, but f(A) ⊆ B and B has the same
number of elements as A ⇒ #(A) = #(f(A)) = #(B), which
means f(A) = B, i.e. f is also surjective ⇒ f is bijective
f is bijective ⇒ f is injective
Corollary 2 (The Pigeonhole Principle)
The name 'Pigeonhole principle' is due to Paul Erdös
and Richard Rado. It was known previously as the
Principle of the Drawers of Dirichlet. It has a simple
statement, but it's a very powerful result in both
mathematics and computer science.
Since f(A) ⊆ B, and #(B) < (A), f(A) cannot have as many
elements as A, so by the proposition, f cannot be injective,
namely y ∃ a, a′ ∈ A with a != a ′ (i.e. distinct elements) s.t.
f(a) = f(a′).
You have 8 friends. At least two of them
were born the same day of the week.
#(days of the week) = 7 < 8.
A family of five gives each other presents for Christmas. There are
12 presents under the tree. We conclude that at least one person
got three presents or more.
In a list of 30 words in English, at least two will begin with the same letter. #(letter in the English alphabet) = 26 < 30
Hilbert's Paradox of the Grand Hotel
A fully occupied hotel with infinitely many rooms can always accommodate an additional guest as follows:
The person in Room 1 moves to Room 2
The person in Room 2 moves to Room 3, ad inf.
If the rooms are x1, x2, x3, ..., define the function f(x1) = x2, f(x2) = x3, ..., f(xm) = xm+1.
As defined, f is injective but not surjective (therefore not bijective).
Let H = {x1, x2, ... } be the hotel consisting of infinitely many rooms.
f : H → H is given by f(xn) = f(xn+1). f(H) = H\{x1}
A set A is finite ⇔ ∀f : A → A, an injective function, is also bijective.
If the set A is finite, then it follows immediately from Corollary 1
that every injective function f : A → A is bijective
We prove the contrapositive
Suppose that the set A is infinite
We shall construct an injective function that is not bijective
Since A is infinite, there exists some
infinite sequence x1, x2, x3, ...
consisting of distinct elements of A
i.e. an element of A occurs at most
once in this sequence.
Then there exists a function f : A → A such that f (xn) = xn+1 for all integers n ≥ 1
and f(x) = x if x is an element of A that is not in the sequence x1, x2, x3, ....
If x is not a member of the infinite sequence x1, x2, x3, ..., then the
only element of A that gets mapped to x is the element x itself; if x =
xn, where n > 1, then th eonly element of A that gets mapped to x is
It follows that the function f is injective. It is not surjective, however, since no element of A gets
mapped to x1. This function f is thus an example of a function from the set A to itself, which is
injective but not bijective.