1.8. Computer Misuse Act


GCSE Computing (1.8 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Concerns) Mind Map on 1.8. Computer Misuse Act, created by 2402 2003 on 23/04/2018.
2402 2003
Mind Map by 2402 2003, updated more than 1 year ago
2402 2003
Created by 2402 2003 over 6 years ago

Resource summary

1.8. Computer Misuse Act
  1. Unauthorised Access to a computer system/files/data/device with no intent
    1. No punishment
    2. Unauthorised Access to a computer system/files/data/device with intent
      1. 6 months imprisonment
        1. £25,000 Fine
        2. Unauthorised Access to a computer system/files/data/device with intent to edit, change, delete or manipulate data
          1. Things to prevent this
            1. Soft Security Measures
              1. Password
                1. Numbers
                  1. Digits
                    1. Capitals
                      1. Lowercase
                        1. Symbols
                          1. Change frequently
                            1. Min 8 Characters
                            2. Implanted Measures
                            3. Hard Security Measures
                              1. Locked Doors
                                1. Windows Locked
                                  1. Alarm Systems
                                    1. Security Cameras
                                      1. Physical Measures
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