Communication and medicine


GCSE History Mind Map on Communication and medicine, created by Dan Bacon on 27/04/2018.
Dan Bacon
Mind Map by Dan Bacon, updated more than 1 year ago
Dan Bacon
Created by Dan Bacon over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Communication and medicine
  1. Hippocrates and Galen both wrote books
    1. These became the basis of medical training up to the Renaissance
    2. Development of the Printing Press in 1451
      1. Before this books could only be copied by hand
        1. Quick communication of ideas was now possible
      2. Vesalius, Pare and Harvey
        1. They all communicated their ideas through writing books
        2. Fleming and Penicillin
          1. He discovered it and wrote his findings in a research paper in 1929
            1. This was then developed by Florey and Chain in the 1930s
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