Labelling theory


Mind-map about labelling theory in education
Sophie Cooper
Mind Map by Sophie Cooper, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Cooper
Created by Sophie Cooper over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Labelling theory
  1. Definition:
    1. defining a person in a simplified manner and putting them in broad catagories
    2. important part of student/ teacher relations (has good or bad impact)
      1. e.g 'troublemaker treated harshly but clever student encouraged to succeed
        1. can lead to self fulfilling prophecy:
          1. when student 'internalises' label so becomes them (their identity)
            1. CRITICISM: labelling can have positive effect
            2. Fuller 1984- found black girls at London comp labelled as low achievers so knuckled down to prove them wrong
            3. Key theorists:
              1. Hargreaves-analysed which students were labelled by teachers in 1st year found were:
                1. Speculative- guessing about pupils have to deal with
                  1. Elaboration- confirming or contradicting label
                    1. Stablization- when teacher feels that they know the student(s)
              2. Rist 1970- looked at how kindergartens streamed:
                1. found not just based on ability but appearance and family finance
                2. Rosenthal & Jacobson- randomly selected students + said to teachers beyond average IQ
                  1. Year later found that: gained more IQ than 80% and teachers believed greater advances in reading
                    1. CRITICISM- other experimental studies didn't show effect
                      1. Waterhouse (2004)-studies 4 primary/ secondary and found that teachers give student pivotal identity
                        1. a core identity that the teacher uses to interpret student behavior and classroom events
                          1. e.g if 'average' student becomes trouble some seen as temp. phase
                            1. BUT trouble some student becoming well behaved seen as unusual and suspicious
                  2. KEY CRITICISM- relies TOO heavy on teacher agency (ability of teachers to influence students)
                    1. Structural sociologists- schools encourage labelling in terms of ability
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