Education Policy (1997-2010)


Mind-map of education policy comparing it from 1977 to 2010 policy.
Sophie Cooper
Mind Map by Sophie Cooper, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Cooper
Created by Sophie Cooper almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Education Policy (1997-2010)
  1. 1997= New Labour
    1. Tony Blair priorities were: "education, education, education"
      1. Set up system where state schools could specialise
        1. CRITICISM- most populated by middle class students
    2. Introduced Sure Start Centres for child under 5
      1. CRITICISM- supposed to be high quality but had little increase in child development
        1. policy ultimately FAILED
      2. Academies opened and aimed at failing schools
        1. Machin & Vernoit 2010 study found that academies opened in the last 2 years
          1. had increased 3% of students earning 5 A*-C GCSE grades
        2. Education attainment zones set up in low income areas to increase academics
          1. CRITICISM- policy FAILED
            1. Also introduced Education maintenance allowance for low income families
              1. KEY CRITICISM (PAUL TROWLER 2003)- labour were unrealistic in trying to tackle social inequalities as TOO ingrained
          2. REJECTED old labour idea that "one school fits all'
            1. Conservative coalition 2010 education policy
              1. INCREASED academies (3,304) 15x more than 2010)
                1. Opened in MOST deprived areas
              2. Between 2010-2015 more then 400 free schools opened in England by Gov.
                1. Free school- non-profit making academy controlled by charity trust
                  1. CRITICISM-drains other schools in local area
                    1. ANOTHER CRITICISM- NO evidence benefit low-income families (worse off)
                2. EXtra funding for free school meal eligible pupils (pupil premium)
                  1. CRITICISM- funds not necessarily spent on FSM pupils
                  2. SCRAPPED EMA fund now based on bursaries
                    1. CRITICISM- given DIRECTLY to schools + colleges
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