Railroads America/ Impact on Plains Indinas


Positives and Negatives, impact on plain Indians. No images
tiba hadi
Mind Map by tiba hadi, updated more than 1 year ago
tiba hadi
Created by tiba hadi almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Railroads America/ Impact on Plains Indinas
  1. Railroads
    1. 1860-1890
      1. reasons
        1. enable troops to moved to control Indian upspring
          1. let federal officers reach new settlements having problems with law and order
            1. trade- transport goods/ raw materials to ports in Oregon and California
              1. Keeps Americans in touch, creating national unity
                1. help fulfil manifest destiny/ easier to migrate
                2. Problems and their solutions
                  1. Raising money for construction- governments gift of free land
                    1. difficult terrain- great engineers and hard work of labourers
                      1. Hostile Indians attacking- unsolved
                        1. Finding enough people to work
                        2. Impact on the indians
                          1. Buffalo was no longer easy to hunt
                            1. railroads criss-crossed on the plains leading to buffalo not being able to roam freely
                              1. They were building railroads on Indian's 'sacred land' and attacking those building it
                              2. Positive outcomes
                                1. help start the industrial revolution
                                  1. Improved communication
                                    1. destroyed plain Indians way of living
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