APUSH Period 9(1980-Present)


11th grade US History Mind Map on APUSH Period 9(1980-Present), created by Aleema Haque on 04/05/2018.
Aleema Haque
Mind Map by Aleema Haque, updated more than 1 year ago
Aleema Haque
Created by Aleema Haque over 6 years ago

Resource summary

APUSH Period 9(1980-Present)
  1. Iraq War
    1. Hostage crisis
      1. Saddam Hussein
        1. George H W Bush
          1. Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act
            1. Lawrence v. Texas
              1. Defense of Marriage Act
            2. Abu Ghraib
            3. Afgan War
              1. Bin Laden
                1. George W Bush
                  1. USA PATRIOT Act
                2. Clinton
                  1. Hillary
                    1. Monica Lewinsky
                      1. Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
                      2. Obama
                        1. Obama Care (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act )
                          1. ARRA
                            1. Proposition 209
                            2. Newt Gingrich
                              1. Contract with America
                              2. Planned Parenthood of southeastern PA v. Casey
                                1. Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
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                                The Star Spangled Banner
                                English 4fun
                                Causes of the Great Depression
                                The Civil Rights Movement 1950s
                                Demi Wilkie
                                The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Sentiments.
                                Kellen Haynes
                                Consequences of the War on Terror
                                Andrew Burke
                                Chapter 18: Key Terms
                                The USA, 1919-41
                                U.S. Naturalization Test
                                Jaffar Barjan
                                American Football
                                MR BRYANT AMERICAN NATION FINAL FLASHCARDS
                                APUSH End-of-Year Cram Exam: Set 1
                                Nathaniel Rodriguez