Sanctity refers to something that is sacred
and holy.
Personhood refers to
the point where foetus
deserves person status.
most Christians believe that all human life is sacred and should be protected.
Others believe that quality of life is more important,
Peter Singer
A baby born without a brain may be human
because it is made up of human tissue but it may
not be regarded as a person.
Vardy and Grosh show that with
personhood there are two opinions
From conception, a person in
a person.
A person is only a person when they have qualities
such as rationality, self consciousness and creativity
Biblical Views
Human life is the high point of creation.
Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule.
Genesis 1:26
Your hands shaped me and made me moulded me like clay.
The scripture insists that God's creative activity does not commence
at the moment of birth, instead, God is intimately in the hidden and
mysterious process of foetal development within the womb.
Each and every human has been
made in the eyes of God
Did not he who
made me in the
womb make them?
Christian Views
life is God given and has intrinsic sanctity, significance and worth.
Anglican Church
God is the creator of life and he is sovereign
Presbyterian Church
Catholic Church note
Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever ina special relationship with the creator who is its sole end.
The foetus, though enclosed in the womb of the
mother, is already a human being
Stott believes that personhood begins at conception because
"there is no point between conception and death where we can
say 'then i was a person.'"
Aristotle believes there were different stages of
development in the womb. where the embryo became a
foetus in a vegative state.
Aquinas Believed in ensoulment, when
your soul is implanted. it is 46 days for
boys and 90 for girls
Not all Catholics believe personhood begins at conception.
Garth James.
The foetus is on its
way to becoming an
actual person and by
the later stages of
foetal development,
may have most
characteristics of
Secular Views
Some say that poor quality of life
is not worth living
Freedom is the
absolute requirement of
self respect.
Ronald Dwarkin
Worth of human life varies
Peter Singer
Six stages of personhood.
The process that takes place 24 hours after conception
Implantation of the
pre-embryo in the lining of
the womb, occurs up to 1
week after conception
Primitive Streak
This forms embryonic cells
roughly 14 days after
Brain Activity
Some argue that person status should be given when the first flicker of
brain activity is visible. This varies from eight to 32 weeks.
Refers to the point where the
baby can survive outside the
When the child has been born at full term
Legislation in some countries allows abortion up
to the end, but regards the deliberate killing of a
baby after it has been born, as murder.
Despite the secular views a
majority of Christians