Purifying and Testing Water


gcse Chemistry Mind Map on Purifying and Testing Water, created by k m on 19/06/2013.
k m
Mind Map by k m, updated more than 1 year ago
k m
Created by k m over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Purifying and Testing Water
  1. water
    1. lakes
      1. rivers
        1. reservoirs
          1. aquifiers
            1. wells
              1. bore holes
              2. uses
                1. drinking
                  1. washing
                    1. household jobs
                      1. industry
                        1. cooling
                          1. solvent
                            1. raw material
                          2. some parts of Britain: demand higher than supply
                          3. water treatment
                            1. to purify it
                              1. safe to drink
                              2. untreated contains
                                1. microbes
                                  1. pollutants
                                    1. insoluble particles
                                      1. dissolved salts and minerals
                                      2. process
                                        1. 1) sedimentation
                                          1. insoluble particles sink
                                          2. 2)filtration
                                            1. remove very fine particles
                                            2. 3) chlorination
                                              1. kill microorganisms
                                          3. water purification
                                            1. tap water contains soluble materials
                                              1. not removed in water treatment
                                              2. distilled
                                                1. lots of energy
                                                  1. expensive
                                                  2. huge amounts of energy would be needed to distil sea water
                                                    1. costly
                                                      1. expensive equipment
                                                        1. menas making drinking water from sea water is prohibited
                                                    2. pollution in water
                                                      1. nitrates
                                                        1. fertiliser
                                                        2. lead compunds
                                                          1. pesticides
                                                            1. spraying crops
                                                            2. difficult to remove
                                                            3. dissolved ions
                                                              1. dissolved ions of some salts: easy to identify
                                                                1. precipitation reactons
                                                                  1. insoluble solid from mixing 2 solutions
                                                                2. barium chloride
                                                                  1. detect sulfates
                                                                    1. form barium sulfate
                                                                      1. white precipitate
                                                                  2. silver nitrate
                                                                    1. detect halide ions
                                                                      1. chlorides
                                                                        1. white pecipitate
                                                                        2. bromides
                                                                          1. cream precipitate
                                                                          2. iodides
                                                                            1. pale yellow precipitate
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