Elaboration of projects and tasks


mind map 10
Lennon soriano
Mind Map by Lennon soriano, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Emmanuel  Rito
Created by Emmanuel Rito almost 7 years ago
Emmanuel  Rito
Copied by Emmanuel Rito almost 7 years ago
Lennon soriano
Copied by Lennon soriano almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Elaboration of projects and tasks
  1. project
    1. document
      1. series of activities
        1. planned in order
          1. achieve certain results
            1. Characteristics
              1. specific duration
                1. combine the uses
                  1. must achieve a result.
                2. Project content
                  1. Name or title
                    1. Description
                      1. Foundation
                        1. Finality
                          1. Purpose
                          2. Project evaluation
                            1. are evaluated
                              1. before
                                1. during
                                  1. after
                                    1. their presentation
                                    2. Self-evaluation
                                      1. Rubric
                                      2. Evaluation models
                                        1. has 3 phases
                                          1. Pre-evaluation
                                            1. continuous evaluation
                                              1. final evaluation.
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