The Von Neumann Architecture


the vn neumann architecture
Harrison Huang
Mind Map by Harrison Huang, updated more than 1 year ago
Harrison Huang
Created by Harrison Huang almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Von Neumann Architecture
  1. Programme Unit
    1. Output
      1. Input
        1. (Data)Memory
          1. Accumulator
            1. (Data)Memory
          2. PC
            1. CPU
              1. ALU
                1. ACC
                  1. MDR
                    1. Cache
                      1. CU
                        1. MAR
                          1. Address
                            1. Data
                              1. Load address 5
                                1. Add address 6
                                  1. Store in address 6
                                    1. End
                                      1. 23
                                        1. 12
                              2. 1
                                1. 2
                                  1. 3
                                    1. 4
                                      1. 5
                                        1. 6
                2. Fetch,decode and execute instructions
                  1. Programme Counter
                    1. Memory Address Register
                      1. Memory Data Register
                        1. Accumulation
                    2. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT
                      1. Control Unit
                        1. Arithmetic/Logic Unit
                          1. Memory Unit
                        2. Input device
                          1. Output device
                          2. CPU
                            1. A fan that keeps the processor cool
                            2. Memory
                              1. stores the programme
                              2. Processor
                                1. Carries out the instructions
                                2. CPU
                                  1. Arithmetic/Logic unit (ALU)
                                    1. PC (Programme Counter)
                                      1. MDR (Memory Data Register)
                                        1. Cache
                                          1. Control Unit
                                          2. Control Unit
                                            1. Sends signals to CPU
                                            2. Cache
                                              1. Provides fast access to frequently load instructions and data
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