

A mind map explaining Protocols and TCP/IP specifically
Ben Botting
Mind Map by Ben Botting, updated more than 1 year ago
Ben Botting
Created by Ben Botting over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Set of rules for communication so that devices can communicate effectively and reliably
    1. Developed in layers
      1. TCP/IP
        1. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
          1. Layers
            1. Application
              1. Where the network applications function (email, websites etc.)
                1. Email
                  1. POP (Post Office Protocol)
                    1. Sends the only copy of the email to your device
                      1. Only downloads email onto a single computer
                        1. Used for inbound emails
                        2. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
                          1. Sends a copy of the email to you
                            1. Can be downloaded onto multiple computers
                              1. Used for inbound emails
                              2. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
                                1. Used for outbound emails
                                  1. Goes from Client to Mail Server to Internet
                                    1. Uses domain names
                                    2. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
                                      1. Handles Uploads and downloads
                                        1. Usually sends unviewable content
                                          1. Can be replaced with HTTP
                                          2. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
                                            1. Links websites using Hypertext Links
                                              1. Is used to access websites on a webpage
                                                1. Can be HTTPS for more secure connections
                                            2. Transport
                                              1. A connection is set up between 2 hosts, the rules are agreed (Packet size etc)
                                                1. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
                                                  1. This splits or assembles the packeted data
                                                    1. Acknowledges that the data is sent, this is a form of error checking
                                                  2. Network
                                                    1. Packets are addressed/put into packets
                                                      1. Finds the route between nodes to sent the data
                                                        1. IP (Internet Protocol)
                                                          1. Addresses the source of the data/the destination of the data
                                                            1. Once the data is sent, the IP addresses are removed from the packets
                                                          2. Link
                                                            1. This is the hardware layer
                                                              1. Hubs/Switches/Device Drivers
                                                              2. Ethernet
                                                                1. A family of protocols
                                                                  1. Segment, Format, Send
                                                                    1. Packets are formed at the link layer
                                                                      1. An ethernet cable links hardware devices
                                                                      2. WiFi
                                                                        1. A family of protocols
                                                                          1. Made up of radio waves which pass through the air
                                                                            1. The data is encrypted using WPA (WiFi Protected Access)
                                                                              1. Split up into channels with a designated frequency
                                                                                1. However different channels can also clash
                                                                                  1. Advantages
                                                                                    1. A remote connection so is easy to use
                                                                                      1. Cheap and easy setup
                                                                                        1. Easily Expandable
                                                                                        2. Disadvantages
                                                                                          1. Interference can occur between channels
                                                                                            1. Often it can be slower
                                                                                              1. It has a limited range
                                                                                                1. Can be unreliable
                                                                                                  1. Vulnerable to hacking
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