Research Concepts


Research Concepts
Rishabh Wadhwa
Mind Map by Rishabh Wadhwa, updated more than 1 year ago
Rishabh Wadhwa
Created by Rishabh Wadhwa over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Research Concepts
  1. Styles of thinking
    1. How do we think?
      1. appeal to the supernatural
        1. use of logic
          1. use of intuition
            1. use of common sense
              1. appeal to authority
                1. use of scientific method
                2. Appeal to the supernatural
                  1. Use of logic, intuition and common sense
                    1. Use of logic
                      1. Use of intuition
                        1. Use of common sense
                        2. Appeal to authority
                          1. Use of scientific method
                            1. Tools of scientific method
                              1. Deduction
                                1. 1.Theory
                                  1. 2. Hypothesis
                                    1. 3. Observation
                                      1. 4. Confirmation
                                      2. Induction
                                        1. 1. Observation
                                          1. 2. Pattern
                                            1. 3.Tentative
                                              1. 4. Theroy
                                              2. Concepts
                                                1. The skill of identifying relevant variables
                                                  1. Hypotheses
                                                    1. What are theories for?
                                                      1. Do theories have to make sense?
                                                        1. Defining a theory
                                                          1. Theory-building and simplification
                                                            1. Building blocks of scientific understanding
                                                            2. Other thinking tools
                                                              1. Lateral thinking
                                                                1. Historical Review
                                                                  1. Listening
                                                                    1. Extracting concept
                                                                      1. Bulk and Exceptions
                                                                        1. Start Afresh
                                                                          1. Modules and Smaller Units
                                                                            1. Provocative amputation
                                                                              1. Wishful Thinking
                                                                                1. Ladder Approach
                                                                                  1. Flavour Approach
                                                                                  2. Fuzzy Thinking
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