Qualitative Research Methods


Mind Map on Qualitative Research Methods, created by Rishabh Wadhwa on 14/05/2018.
Rishabh Wadhwa
Mind Map by Rishabh Wadhwa, updated more than 1 year ago
Rishabh Wadhwa
Created by Rishabh Wadhwa over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Qualitative Research Methods
  1. Qualitative and quantitative research
    1. Qualitative methods = provides data in the form of words
      1. Quantitative methods = generates numerical data
      2. Qualitative data collection
        1. Methods for collecting qualitative data
          1. Observation and participant observation
            1. Interviewing
              1. Focus groups
                1. Case studies
                  1. Assume non- standardisation
                    1. But based on theoretical generalisation
                      1. Therefore choose critical instances
                  2. Qualitative data collection: six characteristics
                    1. Context
                      1. Case study method
                        1. Researcher’s integrity
                          1. Grounded theory
                            1. Process and sequence
                              1. Interpretation
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