Negotiating for Mutual Advantage


Negotiating for Mutual Advantage
Rishabh Wadhwa
Mind Map by Rishabh Wadhwa, updated more than 1 year ago
Rishabh Wadhwa
Created by Rishabh Wadhwa over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Negotiating for Mutual Advantage
  1. Types of assertion
    1. Basic Assertion
      1. Empathetic Assertion
        1. Broken Record/instant replay
          1. Fogging
            1. Applications
            2. Negative Feelings Assertion
              1. Discrepancy Assertion
                1. Consequence Assertion
                2. The features of a negotiation
                  1. People involved
                    1. Formality
                      1. Contact
                        1. Conflict
                          1. Joint decision-making
                          2. Persuasion vs negotiation
                            1. 1. Objectives
                              1. 2. Flexibility
                              2. The three-phase negotiation model
                                1. A) Planning Phase
                                  1. Identify the issues
                                    1. Research
                                      1. Setting objectives
                                        1. Researching the players
                                          1. Using written documents
                                          2. B) Negotiating phase
                                            1. Exploration
                                              1. Bidding
                                                1. Bargaining
                                                  1. Settling
                                                  2. C) Consolidation phase
                                                  3. Assertiveness in a negotiating situation
                                                    1. Assertiveness control model
                                                      1. Responsiveness
                                                        1. Communication style grid
                                                          1. Communication style characteristics
                                                            1. The amiable
                                                              1. The analytical
                                                                1. The driver
                                                                  1. The expressive
                                                                    1. Strengths and weaknesses of the styles
                                                                    2. Recognising others’ communication style
                                                                      1. Communication style and leadership
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