
ONCE Inglés Mind Map on LITERARY DEVICES, created by Sofia Montenegro on 14/05/2018.
Sofia Montenegro
Mind Map by Sofia Montenegro, updated more than 1 year ago
Sofia Montenegro
Created by Sofia Montenegro over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Allegory
    1. Suggests a meaning via metaphoric examples
      1. Your relationship is like a roller coaster: full of ups and downs, without anything stable
    2. Alliteration
      1. Creates a repetition of similar sounds in a sentence
        1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickle peppers
      2. Antithesis
        1. Creates contrast using two different elements that come together to create one uniform whole
          1. To err is human, to forgive, divine
        2. Anaphora
          1. Deliberately repeats the first part of a sentence
            1. My life is my purpose. My life is my goal. My life is my inspiration.
          2. Hyperbole
            1. The author exaggerates the real situation
              1. I'm so hungry I could eat an elephant
            2. Irony
              1. The meaning implied is actually different from the literal meaning
                1. She is a poor old lady, with nothing to eat but fruits, meat, fish, vegetables, bread and pasta.
              2. Metaphor
                1. Indirectly compares two things that aren't alike but have things in common
                  1. Her heart is ice
                2. Metonymy
                  1. Substitutes a word with another word that is closely related to it
                    1. The white house declared that we are in war with Mars
                  2. Personification
                    1. Attaches human traits to things, animals, places
                      1. The wise nature helped me
                    2. Simile
                      1. Compares two unrelated and dissimular concepts
                        1. He is like a giraffe next to his mother
                      2. Synecdoche
                        1. A part is made to represent the whole or vice versa
                          1. She was anxious to see the hand that made the sculpture
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