The Great Gatsby


The Great Gatsby- Chapter 2 summary
Arianna Cabrales
Mind Map by Arianna Cabrales, updated more than 1 year ago
Arianna Cabrales
Created by Arianna Cabrales over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Great Gatsby
  1. Myrtle Wilson
    1. Tom´s sensuous mistress
      1. married to George Wilson, a mechanic
        1. spiritless, ignorant, once handsome
        2. keeps saying Daisy & Tom breaks her nose
        3. Tom Buchanan
          1. hypocrit, won´t divorce Daisy but will cheat on her
            1. gives Myrtle a puppy
              1. has an apartment for him & Myrtle
              2. The Valley of Ashes
                1. watched over by the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg
                  1. between NY City & West Egg
                    1. wasteland
                    2. NIck Carraway
                      1. gets really drunk
                        1. is joined by Catherine, Myrtle´s sister, and the Mckees
                          1. spread rumors about Gatsby, related to the Kaiser
                        2. Chapter 2

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