3.3 Concept of quality


Year 10 Business Studies Mind Map on 3.3 Concept of quality, created by Gabriella Diana on 16/05/2018.
Gabriella Diana
Mind Map by Gabriella Diana, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriella Diana
Created by Gabriella Diana over 6 years ago

Resource summary

3.3 Concept of quality
  1. Quality is as long as it meets a customers requirement. Businesses must set targets to achieve quality
    1. Total quality management (TQM)
      1. Every member of staff is focused on spotting and preventing errors and ensuring quality at each stage of the production. Stopping a problem before it happens
        1. some staff cant be bothered to check quality constantly and dont want to tell co-workers to raise their working abilities
        2. Measuring quality and identifying problems
          1. Customers may be asked to complete surveys or complaints to check quality
            1. Mystery visitors go to places like a shop or hotel and monitor how they are treated by staff and the quality they get the report it back to the management that hired them
              1. Staff can be asked to check quality of work they have done at each stage
              2. Consequence of bad quality
                1. customer dissatisfaction, posting poor reviews so no new customers will come and the customer wont come back and cause a fall in profit
                  1. Cost of recalling faulty products, (swegway incident)
                    1. cost or replacing goods that were defective including bad reputation
                      1. Cost of waste, poor quality means products have to be thrown away, waste of material
                      2. Maintaining quality
                        1. Suppliers must be reliable who use good quality products
                          1. Staff must be trained to know quality standards.
                            1. Invest in quality equipment
                              1. Inspect product at each stage
                              2. Costs of improving quality
                                1. Inspection and checking quality control
                                  1. Training staff to check own quality
                                  2. Quality
                                    1. benefits
                                      1. Customers are loyal
                                        1. Avoiding mistakes saves money
                                          1. Can often charge for premium products
                                            1. Can improve brand image and reputation
                                            2. Costs
                                              1. Inspection and checking quality control
                                                1. Training staff to check their own quality
                                              2. Things preventing achieving consistent quality
                                                1. Finding reliable suppliers that can achieve business quality targets
                                                  1. If a business wants to grow it can be difficult to control quality as it involves so many people
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