Target audience


Mind Map on Target audience, created by olliedwyer123 on 30/09/2014.
Mind Map by olliedwyer123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by olliedwyer123 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Target audience
  1. The target audience for my adverts will be males between the ages of 16-35. I looked at as means of existing sportswear products and how their audience is targeted. Although the screen shot to the right from shoes that Nike offers sportswear to women and kids as well, they will not come into my target market as I am simply concentrating on the male adult market, and will be using males in my adverts.
    1. Males shown here in these screen shots on the website looks around about 20 years old, this would suggest that Nike are targeting young more physically active adult males with their mens sportswear range rather than older males.
      1. The male models which have been photographed wearing the running sportswear, are of different ethnic backgrounds, as one is white and the other clearly black. This shows that the sportswear range is aimed at all ethnic backgrounds in order to widen the target market, and isn't designed simply for one audience.
        1. These running jackets shown have colour ways dominantly of grey and black, and a shiny texture. It is likely that these products are made from this sort of material in order so that they can be seen at night time when people are running in them. I am likely to use a similar sort of style running jacket in one of my adverts.
    2. All of the male models and athletes shown on the NIke website have what would be considered by a lot of people as a stereotypical good body shape, as they all seem to have good muscle tone with low amounts of body fat. This is perhaps to make the reader feel as if they could also look like this through the purchase of these running clothing products. On the other hand it would seem the target market is people who enjoy keeping fit and doing excursive, like the athletes shown on the website.
      1. These male running trainers that are being sold on the Nike website, have colour combinations between light and dark colours. For example the trainer above is a dark purple with an orange Nike tick. It would seem that the contrast between light and dark colours is designed to attack males to the product. I may use a product with similar sort of colour logistics for my adverts.
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