Data Controller Relationship


Data Controller relationship tree
Ian Garratt
Mind Map by Ian Garratt, updated more than 1 year ago
Ian Garratt
Created by Ian Garratt over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Data Controller Relationship
  1. Is the data collected directly from the Data Subject by EFC
    1. Yes
      1. Is the data shared with a third party
        1. No
          1. EFC Data Controller. No Processors
          2. Yes
            1. Does the 3rd party follow the instruction of EFC only
              1. Yes
                1. EFC Data Controller. 3rd party Data Processor
                2. No
                  1. Is the processing of the same data, in the same manner for a shared purpose and outcome
                    1. No
                      1. Data Controllers in Common
                      2. Yes
                        1. Joint Data Controllers
                    2. Exercising expertise is permitted within the remit of following instruction
              2. No
                1. Do EFC follow only the instruction of the source organisation
                  1. Yes
                    1. EFC Data Processor. 3rd Party Data Controller
                    2. No
                      1. Is the processing of the same data, in the same manner for a shared purpose and outcome
                        1. No
                          1. Data Controllers in Common
                          2. Yes
                            1. Joint Data Controllers
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