Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Psychology (Childhood Psychopathology) Mind Map on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, created by Alzet Weideman on 24/05/2018.
Alzet Weideman
Mind Map by Alzet Weideman, updated more than 1 year ago
Alzet Weideman
Created by Alzet Weideman over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  1. Developmental Tasks and Challenges
    1. Self-regulation
      1. Effortful control
        1. Executive function
        2. Core Characteristics
          1. Inattention
            1. Hyperactivity/impulsivity
            2. Associated difficulties and Domains of impairment
              1. Problems in school
                1. Family disturbances
                  1. Social dysfunction
                  2. Gender, Ethnicity and Age
                    1. Comorbid Disorders
                      1. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
                        1. Conduct Disorder
                          1. Mood & Anxiety Disorders
                            1. Learning Disabilities
                              1. Tic & other movement Disorders
                                1. Substance Use Disorders
                                2. Developmental Course
                                  1. Early childhood precursors
                                    1. Child, Adolescent and Family outcomes
                                      1. Adult outcomes
                                      2. Aetiology
                                        1. Genes & Heredity
                                          1. Physiological factors
                                            1. Psychological factors
                                              1. Family & Environmental factors
                                              2. Assessment & Diagnosis
                                                1. Diagnostic Interviews
                                                  1. Rating Scales & Observations
                                                    1. Differential Diagnosis
                                                    2. Intervention
                                                      1. Pharmacological Treatment
                                                        1. Psychosocial Treatment
                                                          1. School Interventions
                                                            1. Interventions with adults
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