women's suffrage


GCSE HISTORY Mind Map on women's suffrage, created by georgweiner on 25/06/2013.
Mind Map by georgweiner, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by georgweiner over 11 years ago

Resource summary

women's suffrage
  1. Suffragettes
    1. Suffragettes were more violent and often got sent to prison for this.
      1. Emily Davison died trying to rap a scarf around the kings horse to support the Suffragettes. (5th June 1913)
        1. The three main patriots were Emmeline, Christabel Pankhurst.
          1. hunger strikes, chaining themselves to railings and setting fire to post boxes were ways the Suffragettes got awareness.
          2. Suffragists
            1. formed before the suffragettes and are a lot less violent
              1. formed in 1866, when they took the first petition that was declined 196 to 73
                1. 1817: 17 groups of suffragists from around the country join up to form the National Union of Womens Suffrage Society (NUWSS)
                  1. Acts of 1870, 1882 and 1883 made it so a woman could keep any property in her maiden or married name after divorce. (ammended in 1925)
                    1. Sylvia Pankhurst was a patriot of this, relation to Suffragette Patriots Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst.
                    2. prison
                      1. changes
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