Hannah Garvey


Mind Map on Hannah Garvey, created by 20hgarvey on 02/10/2014.
Mind Map by 20hgarvey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 20hgarvey over 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Hannah Garvey
  1. Learning Style
    1. Tactile
      1. moving around
        1. figiting
        2. phisical activity
          1. sports
          2. doing actions
            1. having actions for words
              1. remember things
            2. Visual
              1. seeing things
                1. remembering them
                2. drawings, colors
                  1. to remmeber things
              2. Interest
                1. Career
                  1. Lawyer
                    1. Doctor
                      1. help people
                      2. teacher
                        1. not expected
                      3. coaching
                        1. gymnastics
                          1. competting
                            1. teaching
                        2. Values
                          1. hard work
                            1. try
                            2. happy
                              1. not sad
                              2. funny
                                1. laughing
                                2. focused
                                  1. on task
                                  2. compassionate
                                    1. nice
                                  3. goals
                                    1. engineer
                                      1. finish high school
                                        1. finish colledge
                                        2. masters
                                          1. bachlors
                                          2. Lawyer
                                            1. Doctor
                                              1. coaching certification
                                              2. success
                                                1. on track
                                                  1. focused
                                                    1. no give up
                                                      1. keep going
                                                        1. dont fall
                                                        2. happy
                                                          1. proud of myself
                                                          2. good choises
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