

Mind Map on comet!!, created by lauryn :) on 26/06/2013.
lauryn :)
Mind Map by lauryn :), updated more than 1 year ago
lauryn :)
Created by lauryn :) over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. small and fast
    1. how fast does it travel at?
      1. how fast is it compared to earth?
    2. made of rock and ice
      1. what type of rock?
        1. who many types of materials are in comets?
      2. big
        1. how big are they?
          1. how big are they compared to pluto?
        2. hot
          1. how hot are they?
            1. how hot are they compared to the sun?
          2. close to earth
            1. how close was the closest one to earth?
              1. the closest one to the sun?
            2. deep craters
              1. how deep is it
                1. the deepest one?
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