Ram + Rom


Mind Map on Ram + Rom, created by Katie Noble Unkn on 07/10/2014.
Katie Noble Unkn
Mind Map by Katie Noble Unkn, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Noble Unkn
Created by Katie Noble Unkn about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ram + Rom
  1. Rom stands for Read-Only Memory
    1. It is a class of storage memory medium used in computers and other electrical devices
      1. ROM is memory that cannot be changed by a program or user.
      2. Ram stands for Random Access Memory
        1. RAM is a fast temporary type of memory in which programs, applications and data are stored.
          1. If a computer loses power, all data stored in its RAM is lost.
        2. In computers, volatile is used to describe memory content that is lost when the power is interrupted or switched off. Your computer's ordinary memory (or RAM ) is volatile memory.
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