PAD Introduction


undergraduate Psychology of Ageing and Dementia Mind Map on PAD Introduction, created by Olivia Dohren on 08/10/2014.
Olivia Dohren
Mind Map by Olivia Dohren, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Dohren
Created by Olivia Dohren over 10 years ago

Resource summary

PAD Introduction
  1. why study PAD?
    1. ageing population
      1. advance in life exp
        1. implications for finance, healthcare, retirement, technology design
        2. processing speed


          • Salthouse (1996)
          1. limited time mechanism
            1. early processing takes up disproportion amount of processing time
              1. insufficient time for later stages
              2. simultaniety mechanism
                1. products from earlier processing may be lost by the time later processing is complete
                2. global vs selective slowing
                3. inhibition


                  • Hasher & Zacks (1988)
                  1. working memory
                    1. difficulty focusing on target info and ignoring/inhibiting attention to irrelevant material
                      1. internal thoughts vs external distractions
                        1. preventing off task info entering WM
                          1. deleting or suppressing marginally relevant info in WM
                            1. restrains strong response emission before suppression is evaluated
                            2. sensory functions


                              • Lindenberger & Baltes (1994)
                              1. Berling Ageing Study
                                1. age related variance in cognitive ability mediated by....
                                  1. Visual and Auditory Acuity
                              2. frontal lobe theory


                                • West (1996)
                                1. age related neural changes in frontal cortex
                                  1. PFC reduction in volume, dendritic length and number
                                    1. cognitive functions relying on frontal cortex will decline with age
                                      1. support from episodic memory, STROOP task, WM
                                      2. neural noise


                                        • Welford
                                        1. neural circuits in the brain become increasingly noisy
                                          1. signal to noise ratio decreases
                                            1. ability to stay focused and concentrate deteriorates = deficits in cognitive performance
                                              1. parallel with inhibitory mechanism but on a neural level
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