Maslow studied why people work
and established a list of needs that
people want to achieve
The aim to achieve these in a certain
order from basic physiological needs to
Why it is important to have motivated workers
increased productivity
improved employee retention
higher levels of sales
improved employee recruitment
How to motivate workers
increasing pay
job enrichment
management styles
managers retain authority
managers who allow junior
employees to make decisions
fringe benefits
health insurance
company car
mobile phone
gym membership
staff discount
Methods of pay
time rate
a system in which staff are paid based on the number of hours worked
overtime pay
wages are paid each week and employees then work an agreed
number of hours. A higher hourly rate (overtime) is paid for any
additional hours worked. An increase in the hourly rate may be
used to motivate employees
The income received by an employee stated as an annual figure.
Employees receiving salaries are not normally required to work a
set number of hours per week. this may be motivated by an
increase in salary and maybe with fringe benefits
piece rate/piecework
Employees are paid according to the number of products they produce. They
are paid an agreed figure for each unit of output they produce, subject to
them receiving the national living wage as a minimum rate of hourly pay
This is a payment made to an employee based on the level of sales he or she has
made over a time period. It is normally paid in addition to a wage or salary. In
effect, it is a form of piecework paid to people employed to sell goods and services
A way in which employers reward their employees for a job well done.
Offering regular significant bonuses is a way of keeping employees from
finding work elsewhere.
Under this method of payment, employees receive a share of the business's profits alongside their
normal wages or salaries. This can motivate as employees benefit directly from an increase in the
business's profits. many well-known companies e.g. john lewis, operate profit sharing schemes
Leadership styles - methods of motivation
Autocratic leadership
when the leader makes all of the
decisions and the workers carry out
the work. No or little discussion with
the workers about the work
Laissez-faire leadership
means 'leave to do'. the leader will decide the
main objectives of the business but the workers
have the task of how they achieve said
Democratic leadership
this is when the workers are allowed to
discuss plans with the leader and influence
decisions about what to do and how to do it