

Project Structure and some good general information.
Kingsley Bawuah
Mind Map by Kingsley Bawuah, updated more than 1 year ago
Kingsley Bawuah
Created by Kingsley Bawuah over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. System.config.js


    • Configuration for systemJS which handles module loading and compilation of TypeScript into JavaScript.
    1. TypeScript


      • Files end in .ts Basically a ES6 version of JavaScript plus a few other TypeScript only features needed for angular. Angular is written in TypeScript
      1. Transpilation


        • Browsers do not support TS so this is needed.
        1. ES6
          1. Classes
            1. Template Strings


              • Multi-line strings that use back ticks (`....`)
            2. @Annotations


              • Links classes to HTML tags. Useful b/c it creates boilerplate for the class automatically. Can be configured by passing an object with various parameters. Components are imported from @Angular/core
          2. tsconfig.json


            • Config for TypeScript transpiler. Target : Version of JS we want.
            1. Components


              • Building blocks of Angular Applications "Angular apps are architected as a tree of Components stemming from one root Component.   An angular application is a set of custom-made tags that interact with each other.---> These tags are referred to as components.A feature of Angular that allows us to create a new HTML language.      
              1. app.component/root
              2. Modules or NgModules


                • The code is structured in Angular into packages  Every app requires at least one root module. referred to as AppModule. To define an AngularModule we first create a class then annotate it with a decorator called @NgModule. Params:  imports - the other modules that export material we need in this Angular Module. Almost every apps root should import [Browser Module] Declarations - list of components and declarations belonging to this module. bootstrap - identifies the root component angular should bootstrap when it starts the application.
                1. Boostrapping


                  • loads all the code from a module, was done automatically in AngularJS.
                  1. Platform


                    • Angular does not bootstrap automatically like it did in the first version due to the fact that it is Platform-specific in angular. Angular1 assumed that it would only ever be run in a browser, which is not true.  We must declare how we want to bootstrap, this way uses the browser. ----->platformBrowserDynamic
                    1. BootStrapping a component declares it as the root component.
                    2. Import in Angular Vs Default JS module


                      • JS modules refer to code which exists in a single file. NgModules combine code from different files together into a single file.
                    3. Routing
                      1. Angular CLI
                        1. CSS
                          1. enviorments/*


                            • contains files for each destination enviorment, each export simple config variables to use in application. 
                            1. karma


                              • Karma test running library.
                              1. main.ts


                                • Main entry point for app.  compiles app with JIT compiler and bootstaps apps root module. to run in browser. AOT compiler is also avalaible 
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