

Science (Physics) Mind Map on Particles, created by Tom Gill on 09/07/2013.
Tom Gill
Mind Map by Tom Gill, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Gill
Created by Tom Gill over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Heat Transfer
    1. Conduction
      1. In Solids Only
        1. Occurs when particles are exposed to heat energy, causing them to vibrate and warm up
          1. Metals are some of the best conductors because they have a sea of electrons, which are free to move.
            1. When it is heated, the electrons gain energy that is then transfred throughout the metal
              1. Insulators such as plastics and wood, don;t have this sea of electrons, so they are worse conductors.
          2. Convection
            1. Heat transfers from Warmer to Cooler areas.
              1. So, Cooler (dense) fluids sink through warmer (less dense) fluids.
                1. This creates Convection Currents
                  1. This happens when a Liquid or a Gas is heated, but then cools in a continuous cycle.
              2. In Liquids and Gases
              3. Radiation
                1. Anything Emits or Absorbs Radiation
                  1. Matt and Black surfaces Absorb and Radiate the Most
                    1. Shiny and Light surfaces Absorb and Radiate the Least
                      1. Objects with a large surface area Absorb and Radiate more
                      2. U Values measure how good an insulator is.
                        1. The LOWER the value the BETTER insulator it is.


                          • U values really show how good it is at transfering heat, that its why a lower value is better when looking at how good an insulator a material is/
                        2. Evaporation
                          1. Water takes away energy from your body. This is why puddles dry up on cold days
                            1. The faster (more energetic) molecules leave first, later followed by the cooler ones.
                          2. Energy Equations
                            1. Specific Heat Capacity
                              1. Usually in J/kg °C
                                1. The amount of energy (measured in joules) needed to change the temperature of 1kg of the material by 1°C.
                                2. Energy Transfered
                                  1. m x c x T = E
                                    1. Mass of Object x Specific Heat Capacity x Change in temperature of the object.
                                    2. p x t = E
                                      1. Power x Time
                                    3. Energy Efficency
                                      1. Useful Energy (Output)/Total Energy (Input)
                                      2. Watt Hours
                                        1. Watts x Hours
                                          1. Usually in kWh
                                            1. Electricity bill "Units" are in kWh
                                              1. Simply x by price per unit to get electricity cost
                                          2. Kinetic Theory
                                            1. Matter is anything made out of atoms and molecules.
                                              1. The 3 states of Matter are Solids, Liquids, and Gases
                                              2. As particles heat up, they gain Kinetic Energy
                                                1. This causes the particles to move and spread out, causing a change of state.
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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