

About Greek Doctor Hippocrates Part of GCSE History, Medicine Through Time. MORE WILL BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE
I Turner
Mind Map by I Turner, updated more than 1 year ago
I Turner
Created by I Turner about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Clinical Observations
    1. A medical observation of a patient from head to foot
      1. Referred to Hypprocratic text books
      2. Causes of Disease
        1. Realised it was to do with natural causes
          1. NOT SUPERNATURAL!
          2. Insisted Disease has PHYSICAL causes
            1. 4 HUMOURS
              1. Blood
                1. Spring/Air
                2. Yellow Bile
                  1. Summer/Fire
                  2. Black Bile
                    1. Autumn/Earth
                    2. Phlegm
                      1. Winter/Water
                  3. Hippocratic Oath
                    1. Keep confidences SECRET
                      1. Live a GOOD and HOLY life
                        1. Do not give POISON
                          1. Taken by Doctors
                          2. Books
                            1. THE HIPPOCRATIC COLLECTION
                              1. Series of books, 60 of which written by HIPPOCRATES, others written by other GREEK DOCTORS
                                1. Influenced by Greek thinkers such as Pythagoras
                                  1. About surgery which dealt mainly with procedures with highest success rate
                                    1. Encouraged doctors to write what they had done WRONG to learn from their MISTAKES
                                  2. Natural Treatments
                                    1. Started to understand that they worked BETTER than praying to Gods
                                      1. Used GARLIC, VINEGAR, HONEY
                                        1. IMPORTANT to let illness follow NATURAL course
                                          1. Provide patient a CLEAN and CALM environment
                                          2. Tried to AVOID SURGERY but sometimes ONLY OPTION
                                            1. Listen to Me!

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